Deacon Richard (left of Bishop) at Fr. James' 2008 ordination |
being ordained a priest, a quiet deacon stood next to Bishop Nedi throughout the liturgy. That very same deacon became our very own deacon, Richard Buhrer, just a few years later.
During his time with us Deacon Richard has helped plan liturgies, composed our weekly Prayers of the People, made pastoral visits, preached, taxied the priest to diocesan events, conducted discernment meetings, taught coffee connections, advised the Altar Guild and a host of other things. And now our Deacon is headed of for a Sabbatical after which the Bishop will reassign him to another ministry as needed. It is natural to ask why. And I can say that aside from his own health concerns, there is no great catalyst for Deacon Richard's departure. It is just time. As Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens."
For years now, our Deacon has sent us out at the end of every service bidding us to "go in peace to love and serve the Lord." And now, on Sunday, May 12th, it is our turn to bid him the same. I hope you will join us after the service for an appreciative celebration of ministry with Deacon Richard and that you will hold him in your prayers as he follows Christ's call.
Fr. James+
Update: You can see pictures of the event here.
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