Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Support for Volunteer Caregivers

Are you a volunteer caregiver living in King County?

King County Caregiver Support Network provides free consultations, advice, and coaching to help the caregiver maintain their own well-being. Network providers can also order respite care-services that provide caregivers with time away from the responsibilities of ongoing care-on a sliding-fee scale. Go to for more information. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Apps for Anglicans and eEpiscopalians

Here are some great apps for your tablet or smartphone. And most are free!

DAILY OFFICE (aka Morning/Evening Prayer, Breviary, Divine Office, etc.)

Mission St. Clare - Daily Office, morning and evening prayer including Scriptures, prayers, creeds, and hymns in English and Spanish according to the (1979) Book of Common Prayer. Android / iPhone 

Glenstal Abbey - Daily Prayers, chant, quotes from the Rule of St. Benedict, and news/info from the Glenstal Abbey. Android / iPhone


A Year with the Church Fathers - Scripture, readings from great saints of the past (like Irenaus, Augustine, and Gregory), prayers and reflections. Android / iPhone

C.S. Lewis Quotes - Pithy phrases to ponder from one of the 20th century's greatest apologists (and an Anglican, too!), Lewis is known for many books, especially The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, and Mere Christianity. Android / iPhone ($.99 for iPhone)

The Imitation of Christ - One of the most well read Christian books ever, this book contains plenty of inspirational directions and guidance about the spiritual life and our relationship with God in Christ.
Android  ($.99)  / iPhone